And you could not fail

This is a live processing writeup.  An idea has been floating in the back of my mind and grabbing my attention.  An idea that I reflected on before but left unapplied.  The things I am convinced of about my life mean that in some critical sense, it is impossible for me to fail.  

I believe that Jesus was an actual person who walked around on Earth.  I believe that he talked to friends, tripped when he walked, and cooked good food.  I believe that he was killed and that he returned to life from the dead.  I believe he was God living with people.  And Jesus taught that I am God’s kid.  A son whose divine father loves and protects him.  A son whose father is immensely powerful.  

When I envision projects for my future it fills me with excitement.  I love to act in the world and bring about things that I believe are valuable.  When I realize there are people in life with enough money to launch their projects without risking failure, I get jealous.  My head begins to fill with wishes that I was rich, that I had at least one property to leverage, that I had an income that was not based on selling my life hour by hour.  I wish that I could launch a project I was passionate about and know I would not fail.  And by fail I mean disappoint.  Failure would be for my wife, my  family, my neighbors to say that I had done poorly and to be right about it.  

I have this hunch that I cannot fail.  That it is physically impossible for me to fail.  Let me tease out the parameters of that new view. I have a divine, immensely powerful connection who has told me I am like a son to him.  I have enough of a sense of who he is and what he would like to see in the world to undertake projects for him.  No matter how poorly my attempted projects turn out, his immense power surrounds me.  He protects my connection to him even if I am injured or die.  Nothing can break my connection to my divine father.  Nothing can break my wife’s connection to him.  True failure is not doing poorly.  True failure is being disconnected from my divine father.  He is too powerful to lose me and too kind to abandon me.  He is too strong to lose of my wife.  True failure is impossible for us because the failsafe is his work.  I can go through life creatively acting without fear of failure. 

I know that some of my steps in my reflection may seem like leaps.  I am convinced that continued reflection would strengthen my case and not oppose it.  Some of this has been forming in my head for years.  I want to embrace this perspective and live with the freedom of knowing I cannot fail.   


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