From the Other Side
I gazed upon my little brother, rings in the breast pocket of my brand new suit. He had finally chosen someone to allow into his life. Someone to adore. Someone to risk intimacy with. Someone to love beyond circumstances. And after three airplanes of travel I had the chance to witness the ceremony.
That was two weeks ago. Today I saw some of the Scripture teachings about marriage from the comfort of my home country. They portray that commitment very seriously. And I have a few short years of my experience that help me to see why.
I laugh with my wife in a way I never knew was possible. It’s shaped from late night chats and tired disagreements. Romantic pleasures and sweet support. Enjoying the best of each other, and counteracting the worst.
It’s more than one relationship can possibly hold, but marriage holds it all. The two shall become one flesh. Secrets laid bare and dreams entangled.
I think the beautiful joy couples live and the bitter challenges they grow through are both reasons that God tells us to guard marriage.
It is like nothing else.
I challenge you to take a couple moments this week to remember your engagement days and all the naive passion you had for your new married life. And then a couple more minutes to think about the experience engraved loved you and your partner share today. It may be look different than it did at the start, but I hope that it is true and strong.
May you rejoice in the wife of your youth always; may her breasts satisfy you all your days.