
I moved into a new apartment.  My 4th residence in 10 months.  All for good reasons, things I could never regret stretching to reach.  But in this 4th place, I felt an unexpected desire for sameness.  And it entered my soul from my roomate’s morning routine.  

I was at the living room table, doing a devo and getting ready to do some homework.  I was fresh off a move from a townhouse stay with a family friend.  Shortly returned from an adventure in Spain.  Inconsistency was a staple in my experience diet.  I saw my roommate walk into the living room that day.  He made himself a couple eggs, he took his homemade lunch out of the fridge, and he buttoned up his work shirt.   He had a sameness to his lifestyle that made me jealous.  

I will always live by the variety for life-spice motto.  I long for days with controlled surprises and weeks that are unformed until they happen.  In the midst of that lifestyle I have decided I want some routine in my life.  Thanks Roomie Matt :-)

The lunch-sight enlightenment magnified a desire and cemented my intentions for some routines I had newly started.  One that was in motion already was my gratefulness to God morning reflection.  I try to sleepily mutter four or five specific thank yous to God as soon as I stand up out of bed.  It’s sappier and happier than a previous habit I had practiced - cursing to myself and wishing I was not awake.  The second already formed routine was more practical but super helpful - every work day I make two meat and cheese sandwiches and throw them in my workbag with some cookies and some chocolate.  

Since moving to my newest apartment I added a few more routines.  I walk the pathway around our complex most days of the week.  Sometimes I invite a roomie, sometimes I think and pray.  I love it.  And it’s literally right outside my door.  Secondly, I started doing pullups every other day.  It’s because I have childhood memories of hanging from a bar dejectedly while my gym teacher told me how important it is to be able to do a pullup, and because I have a weakened back I want to attend to, and because I want to be strong.  I love my new routines.  They bring a peace to my life and a rhythm.  Even the knowledge of these routines existing mellows me out and gives me fresh energy.  I am so glad I added some sameness to my life and decided to carve out these patterns.  I think my life has changed because of them and I am excited to keep practicing the routine rhythm.


Skills Won’t Do
